The only thing we are is a byproduct of our
If you're conscious of yours, learn to translate them to others. Not so they're 'understood,' but so they're FELT.
So what am I really?
I can do a lot of jobs at varying levels,
but I'm never really doing any one for too long...
I prefer describing myself as an, 'Experience Designer,'
but here are a couple other titles that have helped me explain it in the past:
After my presentations and the success of my proposals, I was asked to come on board to assist with the entire project. Given my knowledge of local culture and history, my educational background in art history and design; plus my professional experience in project management and distributed organizations, I was able to perfectly fill a void partially created by the pandemic.
Only then did I find out the scope of work and the client. For the year and a half since, I’ve been a project manager, curator and consultant related to the artwork in El Paso’s newest and tallest high-rise building.
Experience designer, Curator, coordinator, consultant, artist
Following the release of my book El Paso del Norte Loteria, I was approached by an art buyer looking for either local artists or any art I may have been selling. The request eventually evolved into a commission to develop my designs into large installations–for what I was only told at the time–was an 'office space looking for art'.
In an unexpected twist of fate, the pandemic offered me an opportunity to grow in a new direction while earning the title: 'Art Consultant.” In this role I've been able to facilitate the curation, procurement, and handling of over half a million dollars worth of art.
Experience designer, database designer, boardmember, volunteer
Since joining, we’ve been able to single-handedly develop and manage all branding/public-facing marketing including (but not limited to) websites, postcards, t-shirts, infographics, and so much more. Internally we’ve also developed data-protocols, processes, forms and management systems required to operate and organize our 501(c)3 organization.
Not only am I a proud El Pasoan, I'm also a proud cat dad. With a partner that cares as much about design as I do–and even more about cats–we joined a local TNR group in our area.
The game/book were only meant to mark the beginning of a year-long celebration planned for the entirety of the 360th year (2020). Obviously, Covid 19 threw a wrench in those plans but the initiative is not over and will continue.
Our Story Comes Full Circle.
Realizing the lack of cultural understanding around my hometown, I began an initiative centered on the 360th anniversary of a historic mission–the genesis of our modern city. After spending the previous few years making the Guide platform, I realized the limits of digital interfaces. Trying to make a more visceral connection with an audience, my goal was to share culture, community and evolve my storytelling methods. Thus, I began the initiative with a book and game stylized like the cultural staple, loteria.
Not only would I go on to help brand and market the new line of products, but in less than a year I would develop a more efficient manufacturing process that could reduce the company's production cost. Plus, I designed several new ancillary products to minimize material waste, all of which were outlined in the brand's first tech pack.
Consultant, Director, Producer, Videographer, Photographer, Designer, Editor, Composer, Animator, Researcher, Production Coordinator,
Beto was adamant that, “No one wants to watch a video longer than 2 minutes.” Luckily, he changed his mind after seeing the first one. I eventually ended up making about half a dozen more – which were shorter – and on a range of topics. But I feel like he's kept (and greatly broadened) that authentic 'conversation' feel. I take no credit for any of that, that is all very much him. I'm just glad I was there at the beginning and able to contribute.
General audience’s don’t want to watch videos about policy. So a political series would need a more conversational approach. Authenticity was vital.
With complete freedom I decided to stay true to the run-and-gun style of filmmaking that I love, no scripts or concrete objectives. I essentially produced the segments on the fly for a couple hours, while filming and directing a conversation. That was the foundation of all videos, then I designed the individual narratives and packages in the editing room.
Make a series of web videos related to specific policies/topics which would be used for corresponding splash pages at the end of marketing funnels. Amazingly, the campaign trusted me enough to allow full creative control and didn’t really set many guidelines.
When Beto O’Rourke was up for re-election after his first term as congressman, his campaign wanted to highlight some of his key issues. I don’t know who came up with the idea of incorporating video, but I was asked to help.
Founder, Owner, Designer, Director, Producer, Photographer, Videographer, Editor, Composer, Musician, Writer, Stylist, Project Manager,
In 2006 when I was asked to help a documentary filmmaker with some post-production, he was thankful I could also introduce him to an aspiring hip-hop artist I was working with (as he needed some original music). I remember what it felt like to have separate creative individuals selflessly come together for the betterment of their individual crafts and each other's projects. That inspiring energy was the catalyst for On Our Way To Stardom a lifestyle project / brand / publisher / network / mission, which was founded the following year.
Rebranded to simply STRDM in 2012, the project manifested dozens of product releases, albums, videos, web content, and more.
Since 2015, the project has been
on an indefinite hiatus while
my contracted work and new projects
require more time.
I’m motivated to take on new projects or clients based on my ability to affect change in a positive way, and hopefully impact some of the problems that are troubling me the most.
Sean and Francis,
you helped me more.
But the only
and experiences;
and because my grandma said it was okay.
a Lifetime of
friends, lovers,
ALL of my past, present, and future,
reason why I'm ME, is because of
than you probably realize.
for making it relatable.
Bobby, Jeff,
and Johnny
Your understanding of 'self' and
transparency in your craft was a real–time inspiration.